Nutrition & Wellness Report

The nutrition and wellness report outlines your unique dietary profile, including which food groups you’re most sensitive to and any nutrient deficiencies you possess. You’ll also develop a greater understanding of your body composition, sleep characteristics and even particular personality traits.

Fitness Report

The results from your Whole Genome Sequencing Test will help to formulate a plan that optimises your exercise regime and diet in a way that leverages your genetic strengths, whether that be through strength training, aerobic exercise or HIIT. Learn what your body requires in order to perform at its peak while avoiding injuries and improving recovery time.

What’s covered in this report?


Certain genes can have a significant effect on the way our bodies respond to food. That’s why there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to diet plans. With the help of this report and a nutritionist, you’ll be able to optimise your diet based on what works best for you.

Allergies and intolerances:

A food allergy triggers the immune system even when only traces of certain foods are detected. Food intolerances are less serious, only affecting the digestive system. People with an intolerance can often still consume small amounts of the offending food without concern.  


Metabolism refers to the chemical reactions in the body’s cells that convert food into the energy needed for essential body functions. Those with a fast metabolism require more calories than those with a slow metabolism – a factor that is partially influenced by genetics.

Personality & Sleep:

Did you know your genome influences how much sleep you need and whether you’re a morning or night person? Or that genetic variations determine whether you’re an extrovert or introvert? This report will help you to understand what makes you the way you are.

Delve deeper

In addition to the health, fitness, nutrition and wellness reports we provide with your Whole Genome Sequencing test results, you’ll also have the option to purchase a wide variety of specialised reports for an even more in-depth analysis of your genome.